Product advantages of lean pipe shelf


The use of lean pipe shelves can be properly applied in the warehousing industry, and can better reduce the time required for workers to take parts and tools. The shelves used by lean pipe manufacturers are also called plastic covered shelves. Its three-dimensional structure can hold more goods in a limited space, and its role in factory application is very obvious. In order to clearly plan the warehouse space, many companies will use this kind of shelf, which can not only effectively improve the space utilization of the warehouse, but also store various types of products by categories.

Here are its product advantages:

Improve the working environment

Lean tube shelf system can not only reduce the time and round-trip movement required to pick up and place parts and tools, but also protect the work and operators.

Flexible and changeable:

The components of lean tube products can be used to build all kinds of working position instruments, and the standard components of lean tube can make modification very easy and adapt to the changing process on site.


Lean tube shelves can design new structures at will according to the production needs of different products.


The accessories of lean tube products can be reused and recycled. By changing the structure of lean tube products, they can be reassembled with old accessories to meet new requirements.

The reusable lean tube shelf can avoid resource waste. The expandability of lean tube shelf is a new structure, which can meet the production needs of different products. Lean tube shelves have so many advantages that they are very popular in daily use. It is not only used in the storage industry, but also widely used in the electronics, automotive industry and other fields. Compared with traditional shelves, it has made a qualitative leap in structure and function, so it plays a very important role in the development of enterprises.

Post time: Aug-22-2022